Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sky Watch Friday

Sky watch friday

Counting the years - life is short
counting the days - go life fast
counting the hours - lasts a life time
BUT - lasts the longest life if you enjoy every second

Teller du år - blir livet kort

Teller du dager - går livet fort

Teller du timer - varer livet ei stund


lengst varer livet om du NYTER kvart sekund



Det nederste bildet er virkelig stilig!

Rune Eide said...

Godt sagt - med gode bilder til (spesielt det siste)

Petunia said...

Så sant så sant!
Kjempefin post, Monika!

Petunia's SWF post

Anonymous said...

wow, gorgeous!

Pretty Life Online said...

Perfect catch for sky watch! Clouds fill the skies above us and they are always part of our every day lives... Mine's up too hope you can drop dy!

Photo Cache said...

I enjoy your pictures very much.

Norm said...

that's pretty wonderful photos..

Brad Myers said...

Very well done, I like them all.

Larry D said...

Great photo and quote!

Louise said...

Beautiful series of photos. I especially love the last one!

EG CameraGirl said...

And it looks like you ARE enjoying every second. Happy Sky Watch Friday!

Jeanne said...

All very beautiful but that first is my very favorite. Beautiful words to accompany also.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Wonderful reflcetion, so clear

Laura ~Peach~ said...

your SWF pictures are great but the cow in your header really makes me SMILE!

Anonymous said...

Så vakre bilder, og vakker tekst! Hvor er bildene tatt? Iallefall nydelig:)